Best. Meme. Ever.


I reeeeeeaaally don't want you to miss the best offer I run all year! Get the Coach for Christmas offer for just 99 bucks!

I gotta tell you about this offer, but first I have to share this meme I found today. When I saw it, I died. DIED I TELL YOU!

If you read my last email you know I'm totally down to troll the Hallmark Channel. I'll forgive you if you didn't read it because FOR THE LOVE OF PAYPAL there were enough Black Friday/Shop Small Saturday/Cyber Monday/Giving Tuesday emails to make even the most amorous fans of the internet want to unplug for life. But it's Wink Wink Wednesday now (yes, I definitely just made that up) so I'm here to be a smartass in your inbox.

Behold the glory:

Your Pandemic Hallmark Movie

The plotline of my movie is: An Overworked corporate lawyer finds herself stranded in her hometown during a pandemic lockdown after she came home to attend the town's annual Spinsters in Winter Festival (naturally). Against her better judgment, she falls in love with that aloof Starbucks barista (oof, haven't we all?). Together they learn the true meaning of Christmas.

Please email me with your plotlines! Then head over to and grab up this once-a-year special. A 90-minute coaching session and a 30-minute follow up for just $99! The offer expires on Friday so if you've been on the fence over this whole coaching thing, now's the time to get your bold on!



If the time isn’t right for you to star in a feature-length made-for-TV holiday movie but you know the right person for the role, you can also gift A Coach For Christmas to them! Just shoot me an email after the purchase to let me know it’s a gift!


Are you hell-bent for glory and ready to pull on your ass-kicking pants?

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*If you don’t hear from us, Dave probably drank the margaritas again. He's either flying tequila-fueled loop-de-loops somewhere over Jamaica or he's sleeping it off in your junk folder...

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